Places to go
New Haven Museum
114 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06510
The New Haven Museum has a full exhibit on the Amistad Rebellion with the original portrait of Sengbe Pieh, the Amistad, and other pieces.Amistad Memorial
165 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510
The memorial is a statue depicting Sengbe Pieh and is located next to city hall.Custom House
150 Bank Street, New London, CT 06320
This is the building the Amistad ship and Africans were brought to after they were captured by the US Navy in Long Island Sound. The building is owned and operated by the New London Maritime Society and includes an exhibit on the Amistad Rebellion.Old State House
800 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103
This building was the site of many of the Connecticut trials on the Amistad case and includes an exhibit on the Rebellion.Farmington Historical Society
138 Main St, Farmington, CT 06032
The historical society offers walking tours that include sites where the Amistad Africans lived while they remained in Connecticut.
Useful websites
This website includes many helpful teaching tools related to the international and domestic slave trade, including but not limited to, a timelapse map of the slave trade (https://www.slavevoyages.org/voyage/database#timelapse), 3D video tour of a slave ship (https://www.slavevoyages.org/voyage/ship#3dmodel/0/en/), and image bank (https://www.slavevoyages.org/resources/images/).https://famous-trials.com/amistad/1205-ami-biog
This website includes bios of all major and minor players in the Amistad court case, including all Africans that made it to Connecticut.https://www.antislavery.ac.uk/items/show/276
This link shows the murals depicting different part of the Amistad Rebellion, created by Hale Woodruff.https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/amistad
The National Archives has multiple primary source documents related to the Amistad case.
Downloadable material
Welcome to Discovering Amistad – https://youtu.be/q86LXaCMHsM
Sierra Leone Refugee All-Stars Tiny Desk concert – https://youtu.be/uZJscRYBmIg
A modern day band that sings about the countries history in slavery and historic figures like Sengbe PiehPort Marker ceremony, Middletown, 2021 – https://vimeo.com/629191937
Ghosts of the Amistad: In the Footsteps of the Rebels – Historian Marcus Rediker's documentary about the oral history of the Amistad Rebellion in Sierra Leone – https://youtu.be/oUCPo0DSstY
The Amistad Rebellion An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom by Marcus Rediker
https://www.amazon.com/Amistad-Rebellion-Atlantic-Odyssey-Slavery/dp/014312398XAfrica Is My Home: A Child of the Amistad by Monica Edinger